About Liz Ogumbo
There are few Africans whose creative journey has been as wide-ranging, singular and successful as the one travelled by Liz Ogumbo.
Over the past decade, this formidably focused Kenyan has established herself as creative entrepreneur whose work in music, fashion, television, radio, wine and coffee. Through all these, she shares an enviable commitment to excellence and to fostering relationships and projects that advance the African creative industries globally.
Whether it’s writing, recording and performing her original music, designing for her eponymous fashion label, hosting and producing Fashion Lab Africa TV and radio, exploring different palates through her wine brand, ‘Liz Ogumbo Wines’ into the wine market or her latest coffee venture ‘Liz Ogumbo Coffee, Liz is unquestionably the new face of modern Africa. She is as much rooted in the continent she loves as the global community that is fast embracing her irresistible vision.
In conveying her creative output, Liz came up with a new, all-encompassing term - KenSoul. “KenSoul represents my Kenyan soul that allows me to stylishly weave stories of my Kenyan origin and global influences into the KenSoul experience” she says of this description that’s as original as the person behind it.
Named after her great-great-grandmother Elizabeth Loye, a talented singer and performer, Liz grew up in and around music and began singing at the age four. She credits her father for some of her musical talent, describing how, despite not being a musician, he had the kind of talent that could have seen him singing and dancing on the world stage. Her father’s influence is reflected in his teachings of Luo songs, giving Liz a foundation based on her roots, culture and heritage, while the Christian songs taught by her mother instilled the lifestyle and values Liz lives by.
It’s no surprise to discover why Liz’s attachment to her roots, visibly threaded through everything she does, is far more than simply lip service.“I come from a tribe called the Luo, which is one of 42 tribes in Kenya and is rooted in the western part of Kenya, by Lake Victoria” she explains. “The Luo culture is very rich. One thing many know about the Luo community is that we love music, we love to dance and we are larger than life. Because we live near the lake, we love to eat fresh fish that is put on our table by the most skilled fishermen in the country. Music and dance is a part of our DNA”.
Now firmly established as a leading Afropolitan with real vision, Liz is ready to take on the world with all aspects of her multidisplinary creative entrepreneurship.
"I am, because you are, because we are...UBUNTU kwa kila mtu"
Liz Ogumbo #UBUNTU
Liz Ogumbo-Regisford.